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successful peopleOne of the first subjects covered in the YourNetBiz training is the importance of surrounding yourself with positive people.  The road of the entrepreneur is not an easy one and your mindset is everything.  Just as an athlete needs to be in top fitness to perform, so the entrepreneur needs to have a million dollar mindset.   This means eeking out the negative thoughts, having excellent self beliefs, staying positive, turning set-backs into challenges, keeping focussed and motivated and never giving up.  This takes courage, hard work and dedication.  Good fortune follows good inner work.

Think about it carefully,  think of  the 5 people who you spend the most time with.  What do you do together?  What do you talk about? What bonds you together?   How successful are they?  How successful are you?  If you are truly serious about achieving success either online or offline then you really need to think about this one.

What you think about and talk about you create.  If you are having negative thoughts and conversations all the time then how do you expect to call success into your life?  On the other hand if you are having inspiring conversations and thoughts, you will automatically start to see opportunities and possibilities and turn those into realities.

Success flourishes when we have that excited sense of possibility.  If we are not careful, negative people can pop that bubble leaving us deflated and demoralised.  Not surprisingly,  the most negative people online are those who have tried and failed and are angry or disappointed.  You can find them posting things in scam forums, or tearing other people or businesses to shreds.  This is not to say that scams do not exist, clearly they do, but why go there?   It is a bit like reading the newspapers and taking an interest in the stories about other people’s misfortunes.  Why do it?

Don’t expect any of the  negative or pessimistic  friends or acquaintances to encourage or applaud your success, they probably won’t.  On the other hand positive people will not be threatened by your achievements.  They will have the mindset of abundance and know that your success is not in competition with theirs.  They will congratulate you on every baby step forward and be encouraging when you tumble.

As you become more and more successful, be alert to any of the negative influences in your life suggesting that you have changed or become selfish.  This could lead to self-doubts and a less than sparkling mindset.  If you let those thoughts in, they will eat away at your confidence and self-esteem.  Not good.

Surround yourself with people who make you feel good about yourself and who affirm you as a winner.  Choose people who have similar goals and aspirations and spend time with them.  Something magical happens when you do this, the energy grows bigger as the whole is much greater than the sum of the parts.

These concepts were not new to me when I joined YourNetBiz, but it was fantastic to find a company that not only offered me a route to financial freedom, but also embraced personal development.   I have met some really great new friends through YourNetBiz from all over the world.  We are all applying the laws of attraction to our work and are learning and growing together.

This journey is not for everyone, it does require courage, discipline and maybe even sacrifice.   However, it is hugely rewarding and if you are interested in finding out more do contact me I would be very happy to explore options with you.   There are ways to start that are completely free.   I can give you valuable resources that will give you a good idea about whether this is for you or not, completely risk free.

To Your Success


Kay Hebbourn


Paul Brooks

Stuff We Have Written

When We Posted Stuff

May 2024