You may have more to sell than you think

Selling your unwanted or unused stuff is a great way to generate money and there are loads of ways to do it, garage or boot sales, stick it in the paper or on a public notice board, advertise it on ebay or another website. It’s easy: take a few great photos, write some compelling copy, set your price, sell it, pop it in the post and collect your cash.


The Brand New Auction Site for Electronic Products

The recession has hit hard, and people are digging into their junk piles to sell what they can to make ends meet. The internet has made it easy for one man to sell his rubbish to another man who thinks it is treasure.

But do you know what the most lucrative online niche is?

Yep, electronic information. e-books, ‘how to’ articles, websites, blogs and information products.

The beauty of this market for the seller is of course automation. One piece of work can be spun into various forms of media such as articles, blog posts, podcasts, videos, webinars or e-books. Once created, the same information can be sold over and over again with no extra work required. A no longer wanted website or domain name can be the best investment that you have ever made.

The beauty of this market for the buyer is again automation. You don’t have to go to a book store or order a book from Amazon. You don’t have to read an entire book in order to get the one nugget you were searching for.

At one time, becoming a published author was available only to those who could afford an editor and a publisher. It was such a long process and carried a big risk. It was years before an author saw any money from the sale of a book.

Not so online. You don’t even have to be a proper writer. In fact, the rule of thumb is to pitch your writing to a ‘9th grade level’. As long as you are offering quality information which solves a problem or answers a question you will have a market.

It is true that we are living in the ‘Freeconomic’ era and there is lots of free information available. However, we are also living in a time when people want the answer or solution immediately. They want the right answer NOW. Click.

But how do you get your information in front of your customer or buyer? E-bay has become such a great success because it has made it possible for the buyer to search for obscure things in an instant and for the seller to advertise easily. Up until recently, it was really easy to find information products about anything on ebay and internet marketers made their fortunes.

However, Ebay have recently banned the sale of downloadable products for a few reasons. One reason was the number of complaints about website and domain scams. The ban was devastating for the honest information product sellers who relied on a steady income from ebay, leaving them homeless. Clearly this has opened up a need for a new kind of auction site, one that specialises in quality digital products.

Flogyr is the brand new auction site for electronic products. It is incredibly easy to use and is set to be the hottest new trend. Flogyr is dedicated to honest trade and committed to informing its users about how to sell and buy digital products fairly. While Flogyr cannot police every single seller, it can teach you what to look out for as a buyer. It’s not rocket science, but there are things you should know before you try to sell or buy. Flogyr can also give you tips that will help you sell articles, blogs, websites or domains and get the best price possible, over and over again.

Flogyr have created a series of helpful tips for you. They will tell you exactly how to sell your stuff and make money and how to make sure you don’t get ripped off if you are buying something. It is easy to create an account, free to make a listing (at the moment) and you can get paid via paypal. So there you have it.

You could be sitting on a digital goldmine right now!

Hurry while it is still free to list!